Audley Intelligence

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The New Government

The New Government

Boris Johnson’s decision to call a December general election for the first time in just under a century was deemed a gamble by the press. If so, it clearly paid off. But was it luck or was it part of a well-executed plan? Audley’s Chris Wilkins shares his opinions about the new Conservative government’s success and what we should expect from their upcoming tenure.

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British Business

With the after effects of the financial crisis, the rise of populist politics, a renewed focus on social issues and major upheavals such as Brexit, the 2010s were a tough decade for businesses and business leaders. Business columnist and former government adviser, Jimmy McLoughlin, sets out what businesses must do to respond.

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Labour after Corbyn

Labour after Corbyn

The scale of Labour’s defeat in the December general election was such that it begged the questions: was Jeremy Corbyn the problem, a leader the country didn’t want to get behind? Or does the entire party need a shake up to stand any chance of regaining their lost seats in the future?

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The Climate Crisis

As we start the New Year, it is clear that sustainability can’t be just a bolton to business-as-usual. Around the world, countries are responding to the climate challenge, new technologies are emerging to disrupt traditional business models and customers’ expectations are increasing ever upwards.

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